Passivehouse+ irish edition

Passivhouseville casali




"The striking certified passive house in the Italian Alps was designed by architects Arthur Pichler and Walter Colombi. The brief was to design a sustainable, open-plan building with ultra low energy consumption"
by Lenny Antonelli, (Passivehouse+ eco build and upgrade - IRLAND,  january 2015)

"La villa che evita il caldo e il freddo. Gli architetti Arthur Pichler e Walter Colombi hanno costruito a Vipiteno la quinta casa passiva "certificata" italiana che non usa nè termosifoni nè pannelli fotovoltaici."
by Enrico Morelli, (Ville & Casali - ITALIA,  dicembre 2013)

"At your site TAAUT VENTURA we have seen a beautiful Arthurs Pichlers passive house made in Tirol near Vipiteno. We would like to put the photos of this house into our article about passive houses."
by Daiva Niccolini (lithuanian magazine "Namas ir as" Vinius, LITHUANIA,  august 2012)

"La sostenibilità come stile die vita. È il concetto abitativo sviluppato per la casa comune di una famiglia altoatesina"
di Giuseppe Colas (Energia solare & rinnovabili- ITALIA,  marzo-aprile 2012)

"Un involucro solare senza barriere energetiche"
by Lara Gariup (azero Nr.1- Edicom Edizioni- ITALIA, october 2011)

"Thank you very much about the opportunity to publish your project on the pages of our magazine -More about the house. We have published many Passive houses till now but this project behind the Passive construction has realy beautiful look! Our team is realy impressed from your work!"
by Maya Yaneva (More about the house Magazine - BULGARIA, 08. March 2011)

"Wohnen ohne Heizung"  (Videoclip)
von Sigrid Silgoner (ORF - Südtirol heute, am 19.11.2010, um 19.30 Uhr ORF1)

"Passivhaus mit Pfiff: Minimaler Energieverbrauch wurde hier mit modernen Formen, reduzierter Farbgebung in Weiß und Anthrazit sowie großzügigen Fensterflächen kombiniert"
von Monika Knoll (Dolomiten Journal - bauen, Nr. 249, 26. Oktober 2010)

"The Passive House Standard. Passive Houses stand for healthy, comfortable living and impressive energy efficiency."
International Passive House Association iPHA, flyer, 08/2010

"Programma dei relatori: il sabato 02.10.2010, ore 17.16 Arthur Pichler - Passive House Pichler certificata, Vipiteno (BZ)"
al 4° convegnio nazionale case passive 2010

"Als Klimahaus Gold plus trägt es zudem das Zertifikat des Passivhaus Institutes in Darmstadt. Es ist das erste derart zertifizierte Wohngebäude in Südtirol und das fünfte in Italien"
von Ariane Löbert (ff- Südtiroler Wochenmagazin, Nr. 20, 20.05 .2010)

"Mit einem ausgezeichneten „Klimahaus Gold PLUS“ ist es dem Planungsteam Taaut Ventura (www.taaut.com) gelungen, neue architektonische Ansätze von Passivhäusern aufzuzeigen"
(der Brixner, Jahrgang 21 - April 2010)

"La via italiana all'efficienza cerca però di fare i conti con la nostra tradizione costruttiva e con l'estro delle nuove generazioni di architetti."
di Ugo Palmacci (casa e clima Nr.24, 03/04.2010)

"Es war ein erstes Experiment, das die Basis zukünftiger Bauten des Architektenteams stellen soll."
(Radius, Nr.1 - Februar 2010)


interior  architecture   publications   KlimahausGold+    PHI-Certification

  casa passiva certificata passiv house certification passiv haus institut Dr. Wolfgang Feist Technisches Bauphysik Zentrum centro di fisica edile